Facts & figures
Population: 25,124 (+5,326 with Krems as second residence) (as of January 2020)
Total area: 51.6 square kilometers
Population density: 478,2 inhabitants/km²
Number of households: total 12,115
- of which1-member: 4,315
- 2-member: 3,728
- 3-member: 2,046
- 4-member: 1,251
- 5-member and more: 775
Cadastral municipalities (total 11): Angern, Egelsee Gneixendorf, Hollenburg, Krems, Rehberg, Landersdorf, Scheibenhof, Stein, Thallern, Weinzierl
Sister cities:
- Since 1971: Ribe (Denmark)
- Since 1971: Böblingen (Germany)
- Since 1973: Beaune (France)
- Since 1973: Passau (Germany)
- Since 1994: Kremsier (Czech Republic)
- Since 1999: Grapevine (Texas, USA)
Labor market situation
- Unemployment: 9.8 %
- Unemployed per job opening: 5
- Annual average (2019)
Businesses (total number: 2,119, December 2019)
- Crafts, trades, services: 903
- Industry: 14
- Retail/wholesale: 750
- Financial, credit, insurance: 24
- Transportation: 98
- Tourism: 342
- Information, Consulting: 371
Agriculture and forestry
Uses of area:
- Building areas: 112 ha
- Farmland: 1,249 ha
- Horticulture: 42 ha
- Forests: 1,537 ha
- Vineyards: 982 ha
- Hunting grounds: 11
Vineyards (10 cadastral units):
Pfaffenberg, Kremsleithen, Sandgrube, Goldberg, Kogl, Sommerleithen, Thalland, Pulverturm, Herrentrost, Frauengrund
Main variety: 60% Grüner Veltliner
Harvest 2019: approx. 6,327.422 liters
Enterprises: 328 wine producers, of which 51 full-time, 30
buschenschank businesses (wine taverns with restricted business licenses)
Tourism (key figures for 2019)
- Guest beds: 2,095
- Arrivals: 137,615
- Average stay: 1,9 days
- Overnight stays: 256,523
Health care
- Number of physicians in city: 141 (of which 37 general practitioners, 91 specialists, 13 dentists)
- 6 pharmacies
- 2 senior residences with a total of 79 apartements in residential units, 273 beds in care units